Barnes Protection Services has been monitoring homes and businesses in the Ottawa region for over 30 years. We have a proven track record of helping to keep people and their property safe. Our 6 24-hour monitoring stations throughout Canada are there to ensure that every potential threat is dealt with accordingly.

Alarm Monitoring – Is it Just for Break-ins?

When a customer gets their home or business alarm system monitored there are trained staff analyzing signals from the system continuously. At Barnes Protection Services, we always recommend that the home or business owner monitors as many dangerous conditions as possible. These can include:

  • Break-in & Theft
  • Hold Up Alarm Monitoring
  • Fall Detection
  • Smoke and Fire Detection
  • Water Leak Detection
  • Natural Gas Detection
  • Carbon Monoxide Detection
  • Time & Attendance Management (Openings & Closings)
  • Video Verification of Alarms

As well as other more commercial applications, such as:

  • Elevator Phone Line Monitoring
  • Sprinkler Monitoring
  • Emergency Communicator Monitoring
  • Fire Alarm Monitoring

Supervised or Unsupervised Openings & Closings

Whenever a code is keyed into the alarm the time and date are logged in the event buffer. This is referred to as “Openings & Closings.” By giving every member of the home or business their own personal code, the monitoring station can keep track of who disarmed or armed the system and at what time. Daily, weekly, or monthly logs can be produced and emailed at no extra charge. If you don’t have it already, contact us to set this feature up.

Supervised Openings & Closings” are generally used in businesses where the system SHOULD be armed or disarmed at a certain time everyday. If the signal is not received by a certain time, the monitoring station will take action.

*Usually there is an extra monthly charge for this service.

Auto-Arm and Auto-Disarm

You can program the alarm system to arm and disarm by itself. This way, you will never have to worry about forgetting to disarm it in the morning! Call us today to get this feature set up.

Panic Buttons

There are usually 3 “Panic Buttons” on the alarm system keypad. They must be help down for a few seconds to trigger to lessen the chances of a false alarm. They can also be disabled by our technicians.

FIRE – Sounds the alarm siren and communicates a fire signal to the monitoring station. For commercial accounts, the fire department will be notified immediately.

AMBULANCE – No siren is sounded. Sends a medical panic signal to the monitoring station. Staff can take action such as calling a doctor or dispatching EMS as requested.

POLICE – No siren is sounded. Police are sent immediately. As it is a hold-up signal, the police priority is quite high and the response is fast.

Alarm Monitoring starts at just $20.00/month + HST!

Call BARNES today to learn more at (613) 726-6349.