RControl – Adding Smart Home Functionality to your Home Alarm System

Looking to add smart home functionality to your alarm system? At the same time, why not switch to cellular monitoring, the most secure method of transmission between your alarm system and the central monitoring station.

Take advantage of this exclusive BARNES offer for as little as $150+HST installation and monthly rates from as low as $25+HST per month. Call 613-726-6349 to get started!

RControl turns ANY alarm panel into a SMART security system.

Remotely monitor and control your new or existing alarm panel from your smartphone.
Get real-time push and email notifications for important events wherever you go.NOTE: This application requires M2M Services communicator and a valid account.
For more information ask your local Alarm System Installer or contact us at https://support.m2mservices.com/

Smart features:
• Receive real-time push notifications and emails for events of your choice.
• Monitor current status of your system.
• Look back at activities over time in the events history.
• Know who armed or disarmed the system or which zone was violated.
• Remotely arm or disarm your alarm panel.

App manual can be found here: https://support.m2mservices.com/mobile-app/rcontrol-guide/

For a hands-on live demo, please use the credentials below:
Username: rcdemo
Password: rcdemo
Arm PIN: 0000