After investing time and money into a business, it’s only natural to protect what you have created. For example, there are- unfortunately- many potential security threats that retail businesses should be protected against.  This is where security systems come in.

From shoplifting and vandalism to fraudulent employees, you can never be too safe when it comes to shielding your business from what may harm your livelihood.  This is why we are going to look into why security systems are vital for your retail business.  (They will even help to promote better morale among employees!  Does this sound too good to be true?  Keep on reading!)

Crime Prevention

One of the first things that comes to mind when thinking of security systems is crime prevention.  With 24/7 monitoring in place, this ensures that some form of security can be on the scene quickly in the event of an alarm being triggered.   In turn, the amount of potential damage can be minimized thanks to fast-acting solutions.

In most cases, crime prevention is focused on customers to prevent theft and/or vandalism.  However, having the employees be the main focus of surveillance isn’t unheard of.  If this is the case, it is important to be fully transparent with all those employed to maintain a certain level of trust and respect.

Unauthorized Access

Many retail businesses have different levels of clearance depending on the worker’s employment level.  Those with more seniority usually have more responsibilities that require them to have access to more confidential information or areas of the business.

From cash registers to company computers, security systems prevent the wrong people from having access to company information.  This not only protects the company but the workers as well.  Employees should feel confident that all of their personal information is kept safe.  This can be done by having the proper security and monitoring system in place.

One option is to have an access control or card entry system.  Different users will have different ID tags and their activity and access points will be monitored.  Many of these systems send notifications each time a door is opened or an area is accessed.  Not only will a camera show a feed of the area in question but it will also keep an activity log of who had access and when.  

Security Systems and Employee Protection

Frequently when security systems are installed, employees believe that it is to keep the company as a corporation secure.  And, it’s true! This is one of the benefits of having such systems in place. However, employees must know that they are installed for their safety as well.  

Retail businesses are often targeted for robberies.  If such an event occurs. employees need to have proof of their whereabouts and actions. And, having such monitoring will help exponentially.  Not to mention, the culprit will be recorded. Which, will help the business to prove its case, whatever it may be.

Workers should know that this goes both ways.  If an employee accuses their employer(s) of any wrongdoing, video surveillance can be used as protection. Recordings will prove that it is a false accusation and the employee will need to face the consequences.  These are just a couple of examples of how security systems are helpful in the case of possible legal issues. 

Company Morale

On a lighter note, having security systems in place can also improve the company environment.  For example, perhaps a worker is seen going above and beyond. They can be shown the video evidence, and then be properly recognized for doing an exemplary job.  

Hard work and proper service need to be acknowledged. It sets a perfect example for the other employees.  As a result, being recognized in such a way will boost the morale of those deserving the recognition.  Therefore, it’s a win-win situation. It helps to praise those working hard while also inspiring those who may need a bit more of a “push”. All in all, having recorded examples of great work ethic can be extremely useful.

Barnes Protection Is At Your Service

As shown above, security should be a main priority regardless of the size of any retail business.  This may be more pertinent for businesses that work with confidential information or expensive equipment. However, every business has the right to be as secure as possible.  

If you want to keep your retail business secure and need new equipment and/or monitoring services, contact Barnes Protection.  With years of expertise in access control services, security, and monitoring, we are happy to service the Perth, Ottawa, Westport, and Carleton Place regions.  Call us today at 613-726-6349 to make an appointment. Or, message us to inquire as to how we can help keep your business secure.